Ruki Vverkh!

Durata: 100 min

Genere: Biografico

Lingua: RUSSO sottotitoli inglesi

Età 12 anni

Regia: Askar Uzabayev

Con: Valentina Lyapina, Fyodor Lavrov, Leonid Yarmolnik, Viktoriya Poltorak, Sergey Zhukov

On the eve of the big concert "Ruki Vverkh!" An attempt is made on the life of the lead singer of the legendary group Sergey Zhukov. He manages to avoid the bullet, but what if this is not a miracle, but a cold calculation, and the shooter's goal is to intimidate the artist? Senior investigator Pavlov takes over the investigation, confident that the search for the criminal must be in Zhukov's past. He will have to uncover the mystery of the assassination attempt, remembering the history of the group and learning new facts from the musician's biography.

100 min

Genere: Biografico

Lingua: RUSSO sottotitoli inglesi

Età 12 anni

Regia: Askar Uzabayev

Con: Valentina Lyapina, Fyodor Lavrov, Leonid Yarmolnik, Viktoriya Poltorak, Serge...

On the eve of the big concert "Ruki Vverkh!" An attempt is made on the life of the lead singer of the legendary group Sergey Zhukov. He manages to avoid the bullet, but what if this is not a miracle, but a cold calculation, and the shooter's goal is to intimidate the artist? Senior investigator Pavlov takes over the investigation, confident that the search for the criminal must be in Zhukov's past. He will have to uncover the mystery of the assassination attempt, remembering the history of the group and learning new facts from the musician's biography.
PROIEZIONE EVENTO a data unica. Tariffa unica 16.- CHF. Cine pack non accettati. Club card valida. Sala: IRIDE Lugano
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